why we’re Still Here

What we do

Addiction, anxiety and depression are today’s most prevalent maladies. We’ve been there. We can help people find their way out.

Recovery Coaching

One in four people will suffer from chronic anxiety in their lifetime, with the same facing the black dog of depression. About 21 per cent of Canadians will meet the criteria for addiction in their lifetime. Often, these two problems are co-occurring, with addiction arising from self-medicating in an attempt to soothe anxiety and depression.

At Still Here, we approach these in two ways: recovery coaching and mindfulness. We also hold rigorous training in both fields, giving professionals the skills they need to become responsible coaches.

Recovery Coaching

Recovery coaches support those battling addiction, helping them discover their own best way forward to their unique road of recovery. We walk alongside those with substance use and behaviour problems, helping them design, discover and reach their own life goals. In the process, they eliminate barriers to reaching those goals. Those barriers often include addictive behaviours.

We recognize there are many paths to recovery, one for every person seeking it. “If there is anything modern research on recovery is teaching us, it is two critical lessons: people with alcohol and drug problems—even the most severe of such problems—are not a homogenous population, and there are many pathways and styles of long-term recovery.”

If there is anything modern research on recovery is teaching us, it is two critical lessons: people with alcohol and drug problems—even the most severe of such problems—are not a homogenous population, and there are many pathways and styles of long-term recovery.
— William White

Matching those suffering from addiction with their most preferred course forward is key to this long-lasting recovery. Working with the strengths of those battling addiction, the partnership with a recovery coach helps make the road to recovery deep and meaningful. The typical result is an earlier entry into recovery and greater prevention against relapse. Overall, as recovery coaches, we help those with addiction navigate their own unique waters of recovery.

Learn more about the emerging field of recovery coaching and how you can get started.


Doctors in the U.S. estimate 60 to 80 per cent of their patients come to them due to a disorder partially caused by stress. And these problems can be greatly lessened through some simple practices. Some of the greatest outcomes of mindfulness is reducing stress, anxiety and depression. At Still Here, we teach Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), a scientifically proven intervention for stress-related disorders

Practice sharing the fullness of your being, your best self, your enthusiasm, your vitality, your spirit, your trust, your openness, above all, your presence. Share it with yourself, with your family, with the world.
— Jon Kabat-Zinn

We bring mindfulness training to consumers, businesses, first responders and institutions. Our core offering is an eight-week course in the Fundamentals of Mindfulness, giving our clients the basics to begin a successful practice. We have since developed a much more condensed 4-week training, called MDFL. Mindfulness is no longer just the realm of monastic practitioners, hippies, yogis or clinical therapists. Peace, ease and clarity brought through mindfulness practice is for everyone. We give you the tools, show you how to use them, and you can be the judge of how important mindfulness is in your life.

Our students are reporting back that mindfulness has become a vital part of their lives. Come out and give it a try. We believe you’ll leave wondering why you hadn’t tried it sooner.

Get to know the proven benefits of mindfulness.