Becoming the best

You have a heart for helping those with substance use problems, and you want to be the best at what you do. We have you covered with these trainings.


building Skills

RC Mastery

Our Recovery Coach Mastery provides intensive training and supervision to those who have completed our basic five-day course. The grads from this program are typically starting their own private practice in recovery coaching, or taking positions with companies that offer recovery coach services. Participants describe this course as completely transformative. Because of this, we are delighted that we are helping create the best recovery coaches in North America.

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Specialty programs

Advanced Skills Training

Maybe you’re looking to obtain your Recovery Coach Professional designation. Or perhaps you’re wanting to apply your skills in a specialty setting, such as emergency departments, jails, the justice system or within specific communities in need. Or perhaps you want to get a greater look at recovery coaching and spirituality or maybe you want to develop your skills as a recovery coach supervisor. In any case, we have you covered in this series of courses.

About These Programs →