Embracing Change: One Man's Journey Toward Recovery with a Sober Coach

Sober Coach

In the murk of early morning, long before the sun dared to peek over the horizon, he slumps at his kitchen table, puzzling the pieces he’s remembering of last night's binge. The empty bottles (“dead soldiers,” he called them), scatter as evidence of another evening spent chasing oblivion. Now, they just looked sad in his growing desire for change. 

It's in this moment of vulnerability and clarity that Adam contemplates a path he's never walked before—a journey toward sobriety (or moderation) with the guidance of a recovery coach, sometimes called a sober coach.

While not unique, his story is profoundly personal. Like so many others, he's found himself held in the icy grip of alcohol misuse, where every failed attempt to escape seems to pull him deeper into despair. 

But today, the weight of his choices and the pain they've inflicted on his life and the lives of those he loves become the impetus to reach out for help.

He’d never heard of a recovery coach until last week. During one of his heavy fogs after a bender, his sister gave him the number of one she recommended. The torn corner of a piece of paper with the number on it seemed to grow brighter as daylight poured through the window of his suite.

This may be the most difficult call he’s ever made.

He mustered the strength and phoned Jason for a free discovery call.

Being as honest as he could, he confessed he didn’t know why he was calling at that moment.

Jason understood.

They talked about how life was unfolding for Adam, both good and bad. Adam seemed to do all the talking.

Jason asked Adam what recovery looked like for him.

It was the first time Adam remembered anyone asking his opinion on something so important.

He talked for what felt like an hour about what he’d like his life to look like.

They talked about general approaches Adam could take to getting there.

And it all felt within reach.

Adam felt like the first time in his life that he’d really felt heard.

And to think just an hour ago, he was questioning whether he should make the call. It may well have been the best decision of his life.

Never the one to jump right into things, Adam was going to talk with his wife about it.

But he was pretty excited — and a bit nervous — about entering into this new chapter of his life.

All things considered, this may have been the best decision of his life.

Kevin Diakiw2560 154 St.